Plasma Pathlab

Quick, reliable and effective pathology laboratory in Surat, Gujarat

Excellence In Pathology Starts Here

Modern medicine relies heavily on diagnostics for effective treatment. At Plasma Pathlab, our aim is to deliver the best results in quickest possible time. We aid physicians in curing their patients and ensuring their health, thereby increasing their quality of life. 

Services offered

We offer various tests at affordable rates for customers.

Clinical Pathology

Urine routine and microscopy, semen analysis, stool routine and microscopy, urine culture and sensitivity, etc.


Small, medium and large biopsy


 CBCMP, G6PD, reticulocyte count , PT/APTT, HBA1C, ESR, etc


FNAC and PAP smears and fluids for cytology


fasting blood sugar, post-prandial blood sugar, lipid profile, renal function test, liver function test, serum electrolytes etc


HIV, HBSAG, HCV, VDRL, malaria antigen, typhi., CRP, Widal test etc

Special tests

T3, T4, TSH, vitamin D3, vitamin B12, IUI, etc.